Financially, June is always a down month for cash flow due to income taxes. More specifically, while there aren’t usually any taxes to pay (because the company has been operating at a loss for the last little while), the filing fees I pay to submit the tax returns has eaten up a major chunk of the cash inflows so far in 2021.
Anyways, here’s what the download numbers looked like for June:
Revenues and proceeds on June sales are estimates based on the information I get from Apple, in US Dollars.
Sales were down again in June, and I didn’t release any updates to Thought Detox. I’m aiming to get some improvements shipped to the App Store in July, though, as well as a localization to French. Translating apps isn’t the easiest thing to do on a tight budget.
If you’d like to help translate Thought Detox to other languages, let me know by replying to this email!
I’d started rewriting Per from scratch a while back, but that work was set aside for a bit. However, I’ve now got a designer reworking the app and she’s got some great ideas for improving it that I’m really excited about!
No promises on timeline, but it’ll be a free update, probably only for iOS 15 and up — but the old version of Per will continue to be available for those that can’t update their phones to the new OS in the fall. There will also likely be an in-app purchase to unlock some cool new features.
More to come!